Do you put on body armor to go to work?

Are you so dedicated to your colleagues that you can’t wait to get started at the office in the morning? Or is your workplace SO toxic that you dread going in every day?

True story.  Joe, a highly valued senior manager, took a new position, sold his house and relocated to a new state for a promotion.  Once in the role, Joe received more responsibility and more money, both of which he had wanted. The gotcha?  Joe’s new direct manager, Sam, makes Joe’s life miserable and micromanages him.  Many of Sam’s direct reports have quit or sought new assignments within the organization. And now Joe, too, is determined to find a new job.

The result? Brain drain and the potential loss of a highly regarded legacy employee.

When dealing with people you consider to be toxic, remember that you’ll always win more flies with honey than with vinegar. The best resource for brushing up on people skills is still the Dale Carnegie classic book: “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

Each of us has a responsibility to play nice at work. We all know that one toxic person can upset the fine balance within the organization. Each of us is responsible for creating an environment where we can thrive as individuals and everyone succeeds.

Being the person other people want to work with can only benefit the company as a whole.
